美國中央康涅狄格州立大學(Central Connecticut State University USA) Graduate and Postgraduate Certificate Programs
In-House Training
Upon request by our Board Members who are Chairmen, Managing Directors and CEOs of Listed Companies or Multi-national Corporations, the following tailor-made distance learning programs can be arranged to be offered:-
Postgraduate Certificate ( 深造證書 ) in
- Accounting & Finance;
- Business Administration;
- Corporate Governance & Directorship;
- Counseling Psychology;
- E-Commerce;
- E-Marketing;
- Engineering Management;
- Financial Planning;
- Hotel & Tourism Management;
- Housing Management;
- IT Management;
- Internet Marketing;
- Logistics & Transport Management;
- Operations Management;
- Property & Facilities Management;
- Others (Please specify)
Qualified graduates can automatically join as members of the CCSU Hong Kong Alumni Association ( 美國康州州立中央政府大學香港同學會 ), as well as Associate/Full Member of respective Professional Association.
地址: 香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道472號南業大廈2樓206室(南洋商業銀行樓上,往赤柱專線小巴士站位置門口上)
Tel: (852) -23626600