

Honorary doctorate degrees are generally of the following types:

  • Doctor of Engineering
  • Doctor of Business


The degree aims to honor individuals

  1. who have distinguished academic achievement or contribution to the society
  2. who have made significant accomplishment in the promotion of academic exchange or world’s peace
  3. whose altruistic actions have brought significant merits to the national security, social development or environmental protection front
  4. who are outstanding contributors in the development of the academic institution/university


The Process


  1. Nominations are to be submitted to The Office of Academic Affairs of the awarding university. The letter of nomination should include the following information of the nominee: Name, sex, nationality, date of birth, academic. background, curriculum vitae, and proposed doctorate degree to be awarded.
  2. The reviewing committee (together with other external parties if required) of the awarding university is to assess the nomination. Once the assessment is completed, representatives of the University Council will cast a vote on the nomination.  Nominations should be endorsed by the Provost of the college running the doctorate class.
  3. Once approval has been confirmed by the University Council, the nomination letter, minutes of the reviewing committee and relevant information of the individual to be awarded with the honorary doctorate degree will be filed with the Ministry of Education of the respective country and the Board of Directors of the Charter Management Association (CMA) for further assessment.


If you consider yourself having outstanding contribution to a specific field, you are also welcome to submit an application to us to become an honorary doctor in your area of endeavour.


The higher education programs of the CMA are designed to answer the needs of the matured working professionals, with an aim for their professional credentials to be recognized through the following degree courses: MBA, Phd, DBA, BBA, BA.  Through the CMA systems, students can further collaborate through leveraging on each others’ social and professional network.

CMA’s 34th Anniversary Message by
Former US President 英國上議院亨特利侯 澳洲上議院何沈慧霞議員 Professor Peter Mathieson, Ph.D
Bill Clinton The Most Hon. The Marquis of Huntly The Honourable Helen Sham-Ho President of The University of Hong Kong
CMA’s 30th Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by
CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by Prof. Dr. Dominic S.W. Wong, GBS, OBE, JP Dr. York Y. N. Chow, GBS, JP CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by
The Hon. TSANG Yok-sing, GBS, JP FCHMA, FCHAD, FAPCA, FCITD Chairperson, Professor Joseph J.Y. Sung
President, FAPVA, FCAPS, FACHM, FARHM Equal Opportunities Commission President,
The Hong Kong Legislative Council (Former Director of Education, HKSAR Govt.) (Former Secretary for Food and Health) The Chinese University of Hong Kong
CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by
Prof. John CY Leong, SBS, OBE, JP Professor Timothy W. Tong, Ph.D Professor Albert SC Chan Professor Stephen YL Cheung
President, President, President, President,
Open University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong Baptist University Hong Kong Institute of Education
CMA’s 33rd
Message by
The Hon. LAM Woon-kwong, GBS, JP
Convener of the Non-official Members
of the Executive Council
(Former Director of Education, HKSAR Govt.)
The higher education programs of the CMA are designed to answer the needs of the matured working professionals, with an aim for their professional credentials to be recognized through the following degree courses: MBA, Phd, DBA, BBA, BA. Through the CMA education system, students can further collaborate through leveraging on each others’ social and professional network.

Address:Room 706, Ho King Commercial Centre, 2-16 Fa Yuen Street, Mong Kok

Tel: (852) -23626600

whatsappwhatsapp_s: 63121881

WeChat IDwechat : aohkce


