Tag Archive for Phd

Honorary Doctorate / Doctor Honoris Causae















CMA’s 34th Anniversary Message by
Former US President 英國上議院亨特利侯 澳洲上議院何沈慧霞議員 Professor Peter Mathieson, Ph.D
Bill Clinton The Most Hon. The Marquis of Huntly The Honourable Helen Sham-Ho President of The University of Hong Kong
CMA’s 30th Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by
CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by Prof. Dr. Dominic S.W. Wong, GBS, OBE, JP Dr. York Y. N. Chow, GBS, JP CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by
The Hon. TSANG Yok-sing, GBS, JP FCHMA, FCHAD, FAPCA, FCITD Chairperson, Professor Joseph J.Y. Sung
President, FAPVA, FCAPS, FACHM, FARHM Equal Opportunities Commission President,
The Hong Kong Legislative Council (Former Director of Education, HKSAR Govt.) (Former Secretary for Food and Health) The Chinese University of Hong Kong
CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by
Prof. John CY Leong, SBS, OBE, JP Professor Timothy W. Tong, Ph.D Professor Albert SC Chan Professor Stephen YL Cheung
President, President, President, President,
Open University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong Baptist University Hong Kong Institute of Education
       特許行政管理協會的高等院校課程設計,專為以滿足成熟在職人士的需求而設,希望世界各地的專業資格被確定(其中課程包括了:(MBA,Phd.,DBA, 工商管理碩士,工商管理博士,博士學位,bba,ba,學士學位,碩士學位)。在協會的教育系統下,學生可以充分利用他們的工作生活和人際網絡,加強連 繫。

Address:Room 706, Ho King Commercial Centre, 2-16 Fa Yuen Street, Mong Kok

Tel: (852) -23626600

whatsappwhatsapp_s: 63121881

WeChat IDwechat : aohkce



















Honorary doctorate degrees are generally of the following types:

  • Doctor of Engineering
  • Doctor of Business

The degree aims to honor individuals

  1. who have distinguished academic achievement or contribution to the society
  2. who have made significant accomplishment in the promotion of academic exchange or world’s peace
  3. whose altruistic actions have brought significant merits to the national security, social development or environmental protection front
  4. who are outstanding contributors in the development of the academic institution/university

The Process

  1. Nominations are to be submitted to The Office of Academic Affairs of the awarding university. The letter of nomination should include the following information of the nominee: Name, sex, nationality, date of birth, academic. background, curriculum vitae, and proposed doctorate degree to be awarded.
  2. The reviewing committee (together with other external parties if required) of the awarding university is to assess the nomination. Once the assessment is completed, representatives of the University Council will cast a vote on the nomination. Nominations should be endorsed by the Provost of the college running the doctorate class.
  3. Once approval has been confirmed by the University Council, the nomination letter, minutes of the reviewing committee and relevant information of the individual to be awarded with the honorary doctorate degree will be filed with the Ministry of Education of the respective country and the Board of Directors of the Charter Management Association (CMA) for further assessment.

If you consider yourself having outstanding contribution to a specific field, you are also welcome to submit an application to us to become an honorary doctor in your area of endeavour.

CMA’s 34th Anniversary Message by
Former US President 英國上議院亨特利侯 澳洲上議院何沈慧霞議員 Professor Peter Mathieson, Ph.D
Bill Clinton The Most Hon. The Marquis of Huntly The Honourable Helen Sham-Ho President of The University of Hong Kong
CMA’s 30th Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by
CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by Prof. Dr. Dominic S.W. Wong, GBS, OBE, JP Dr. York Y. N. Chow, GBS, JP CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by
The Hon. TSANG Yok-sing, GBS, JP FCHMA, FCHAD, FAPCA, FCITD Chairperson, Professor Joseph J.Y. Sung
President, FAPVA, FCAPS, FACHM, FARHM Equal Opportunities Commission President,
The Hong Kong Legislative Council (Former Director of Education, HKSAR Govt.) (Former Secretary for Food and Health) The Chinese University of Hong Kong
CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by
Prof. John CY Leong, SBS, OBE, JP Professor Timothy W. Tong, Ph.D Professor Albert SC Chan Professor Stephen YL Cheung
President, President, President, President,
Open University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong Baptist University Hong Kong Institute of Education
CMA’s 33rd
Message by
The Hon. LAM Woon-kwong, GBS, JP
Convener of the Non-official Members
of the Executive Council
(Former Director of Education, HKSAR Govt.)

特許行政管理協會的高等院校課程設計,專為以滿足成熟在職人士的需求而設,希望世界各地的專業資格被確定(其中課程包括了:(MBA,Phd.,DBA, 工商管理碩士,工商管理博士,博士學位,bba,ba,學士學位,碩士學位)。在協會的教育系統下,學生可以充分利用他們的工作生活和人際網絡,加強連繫。

The higher education programs of the CMA are designed to answer the needs of the matured working professionals, with an aim for their professional credentials to be recognized through the following degree courses: MBA, Phd, DBA, BBA, BA. Through the CMA education system, students can further collaborate through leveraging on each others’ social and professional network.

Address:Room 706, Ho King Commercial Centre, 2-16 Fa Yuen Street, Mong Kok

Tel: (852) -23626600

whatsappwhatsapp_s: 63121881

WeChat IDwechat : aohkce




















Honorary doctorate degrees are generally of the following types:

  • Doctor of Engineering
  • Doctor of Business

The degree aims to honor individuals

  1.  who have distinguished academic achievement or contribution to the society
  2.  who have made significant accomplishment in the promotion of academic exchange or world’s peace
  3.  whose altruistic actions have brought significant merits to the national security, social development or environmental protection front
  4.  who are outstanding contributors in the development of the academic institution/university
The Process
  1.  Nominations are to be submitted to The Office of Academic Affairs of the awarding university. The letter of nomination should include the following information of the nominee: Name, sex, nationality, date of birth, academic. background, curriculum vitae, and proposed doctorate degree to be awarded.
  2.  The reviewing committee (together with other external parties if required) of the awarding university is to assess the nomination. Once the assessment is completed, representatives of the University Council will cast a vote on the nomination. Nominations should be endorsed by the Provost of the college running the doctorate class.
  3.  Once approval has been confirmed by the University Council, the nomination letter, minutes of the reviewing committee and relevant information of the individual to be awarded with the honorary doctorate degree will be filed with the Ministry of Education of the respective country and the Board of Directors of the Charter Management Association (CMA) for further assessment.

If you consider yourself having outstanding contribution to a specific field, you are also welcome to submit an application to us to become an honorary doctor in your area of endeavour.

CMA’s 34th Anniversary Message by
Former US President 英國上議院亨特利侯 澳洲上議院何沈慧霞議員 Professor Peter Mathieson, Ph.D
Bill Clinton The Most Hon. The Marquis of Huntly The Honourable Helen Sham-Ho President of The University of Hong Kong
CMA’s 30th Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by
CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by Prof. Dr. Dominic S.W. Wong, GBS, OBE, JP Dr. York Y. N. Chow, GBS, JP CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by
The Hon. TSANG Yok-sing, GBS, JP FCHMA, FCHAD, FAPCA, FCITD Chairperson, Professor Joseph J.Y. Sung
President, FAPVA, FCAPS, FACHM, FARHM Equal Opportunities Commission President,
The Hong Kong Legislative Council (Former Director of Education, HKSAR Govt.) (Former Secretary for Food and Health) The Chinese University of Hong Kong
CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by
Prof. John CY Leong, SBS, OBE, JP Professor Timothy W. Tong, Ph.D Professor Albert SC Chan Professor Stephen YL Cheung
President, President, President, President,
Open University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong Baptist University Hong Kong Institute of Education
       特許行政管理協會的高等院校課程設計,專為以滿足成熟在職人士的需求而設,希望世界各地的專業資格被確定(其中課程包括了:(MBA,Phd.,DBA, 工商管理碩士,工商管理博士,博士學位,bba,ba,學士學位,碩士學位)。在協會的教育系統下,學生可以充分利用他們的工作生活和人際網絡,加強連 繫。
The higher education programs of the CMA are designed to answer the needs of the matured working professionals, with an aim for their professional credentials to be recognized through the following degree courses: MBA, Phd, DBA, BBA, BA. Through the CMA systems, students can further collaborate through leveraging on each others’ social and professional network. 

Address:Room 706, Ho King Commercial Centre, 2-16 Fa Yuen Street, Mong Kok

Tel: (852) -23626600

whatsappwhatsapp_s: 63121881

WeChat IDwechat : aohkce


















CMA’s 34th Anniversary Message by
Former US President 英國上議院亨特利侯 澳洲上議院何沈慧霞議員 Professor Peter Mathieson, Ph.D
Bill Clinton The Most Hon. The Marquis of Huntly The Honourable Helen Sham-Ho President of The University of Hong Kong
CMA’s 30th Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by
CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by Prof. Dr. Dominic S.W. Wong, GBS, OBE, JP Dr. York Y. N. Chow, GBS, JP CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by
The Hon. TSANG Yok-sing, GBS, JP FCHMA, FCHAD, FAPCA, FCITD Chairperson, Professor Joseph J.Y. Sung
President, FAPVA, FCAPS, FACHM, FARHM Equal Opportunities Commission President,
The Hong Kong Legislative Council (Former Director of Education, HKSAR Govt.) (Former Secretary for Food and Health) The Chinese University of Hong Kong
CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by
Prof. John CY Leong, SBS, OBE, JP Professor Timothy W. Tong, Ph.D Professor Albert SC Chan Professor Stephen YL Cheung
President, President, President, President,
Open University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong Baptist University Hong Kong Institute of Education
       特許行政管理協會的高等院校課程設計,專為以滿足成熟在職人士的需求而設,希望世界各地的專業資格被確定(其中課程包括了:(MBA,Phd.,DBA, 工商管理碩士,工商管理博士,博士學位,bba,ba,學士學位,碩士學位)。在協會的教育系統下,學生可以充分利用他們的工作生活和人際網絡,加強連 繫。

Address:Room 706, Ho King Commercial Centre, 2-16 Fa Yuen Street, Mong Kok

Tel: (852) -23626600

whatsappwhatsapp_s: 63121881

WeChat IDwechat : aohkce


















CMA’s 34th Anniversary Message by
Former US President 英國上議院亨特利侯 澳洲上議院何沈慧霞議員 Professor Peter Mathieson, Ph.D
Bill Clinton The Most Hon. The Marquis of Huntly The Honourable Helen Sham-Ho President of The University of Hong Kong
CMA’s 30th Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by
CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by Prof. Dr. Dominic S.W. Wong, GBS, OBE, JP Dr. York Y. N. Chow, GBS, JP CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by
The Hon. TSANG Yok-sing, GBS, JP FCHMA, FCHAD, FAPCA, FCITD Chairperson, Professor Joseph J.Y. Sung
President, FAPVA, FCAPS, FACHM, FARHM Equal Opportunities Commission President,
The Hong Kong Legislative Council (Former Director of Education, HKSAR Govt.) (Former Secretary for Food and Health) The Chinese University of Hong Kong
CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by
Prof. John CY Leong, SBS, OBE, JP Professor Timothy W. Tong, Ph.D Professor Albert SC Chan Professor Stephen YL Cheung
President, President, President, President,
Open University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong Baptist University Hong Kong Institute of Education
       特許行政管理協會的高等院校課程設計,專為以滿足成熟在職人士的需求而設,希望世界各地的專業資格被確定(其中課程包括了:(MBA,Phd.,DBA, 工商管理碩士,工商管理博士,博士學位,bba,ba,學士學位,碩士學位)。在協會的教育系統下,學生可以充分利用他們的工作生活和人際網絡,加強連 繫。

Address:Room 706, Ho King Commercial Centre, 2-16 Fa Yuen Street, Mong Kok

Tel: (852) -23626600

whatsappwhatsapp_s: 63121881

WeChat IDwechat : aohkce




[contact-form-7 id=”989″ title=”Contact form 1″]




(綜合報道)(星島日報報道)香港教育學院昨日為首批哲學博士研究生、非教育性學科學士頒授學位,意味教院「正名」大學之路再邁一步。哲學博士研究生畢業生鄭重言在學期間,就為教院引入新系 統,令準音樂老師能於模擬環境下,練習合奏技巧。校長張仁良形容今年是教院另一里程碑,認為教院已發展成教育與多元學科並重的學府,學術研究與日俱增。

  教院一直致力爭取「正名」大學,一〇年獲教資會接納,開辦研究生及非教育本科課程,同年六月取錄首批三十名研究生,預計下學年取錄第五批,共四 十六名研究生。教院昨日舉行畢業禮,向逾三千名學士、碩士及博士生頒授學位,包括首批哲學博士畢業生周鉅寬、鄭重言及吳小芳。主修跨學科音樂科技及教育哲 學博士的鄭重言,先後取得港大工商管理學及工程學雙學士學位,以及教院哲學碩士。






博士學位 名譽博士學位 Dba Doctor of Business Administration




大家有冇想過取一個博士學位(例如DBA,PHD in xxx, Ed.D,名譽也好,榮譽也好)?當然自己努力讀是最實際的,因學問是伴你一生的,但在事業上努力中的你,不一定花得起數年時間,修讀一個博士學位?



香港中通社11月1日電  香港科技大學1日公佈最新一屆榮譽博士名單,當中包括阿裏巴巴集團主席馬雲。 馬雲博士

  科大在公告中指出,馬雲為阿裏巴巴集團的主要創始人。自1999年集團成立以來,一直擔任主席兼首席執行官,負責集團的整體策略及方針。 2013年5月,馬雲辭任首席執行官,但保留執行主席一職,專注於制定集團的策略方針及培養企業人才。科大將授予馬雲工商管理學榮譽博士。

  同時,科大將頒授社會科學榮譽博士學位予其士集團主席周亦卿、理學榮譽博士予加州大學柏克萊分校物理學教授Marvin L COHEN、工程學榮譽博士予哈佛大學應用物理學及電機工程學Tarr-Coyne教授胡玲、人文學榮譽博士予著名作曲家盛宗亮教授以及法學榮譽博士予香 港特區政府前任律政司司長黃仁龍。



其實只要你認為 你自己在某範疇或行業上有貢獻,也可以向我們提出申請,成為某範疇的名譽博士。(有關各名人成為榮譽/名譽博士的例子)


Tel:(852) -23626600 Email: aohkce@yahoo.com.hk


博士學位 名譽博士學位 Dba Doctor of Business Administration 榮譽博士學位





名人/成功人士多有博士銜頭?(陳奕迅 Eason)

大家有冇想過成為博士(例如DBA,PHD in xxx, Ed.D,名譽也好,榮譽也好)?當然自己努力讀是最實際的,因學問是伴你一生的,但在事業上努力中的你,不一定花得起數年時間,修讀一個博士學位?


陳奕迅獲頒授名譽博士學位陳奕迅(Eason)日前遠赴倫敦,接受英國念建築時的大學金斯頓大學(Kingston University)頒授名譽博士學位 ,以表揚他在音樂上的貢獻及對廣東歌之推動。Eason一眾親朋好友更特別遠赴倫敦出席典禮,如父親陳裘大、太太徐濠縈、梁漢文、蘇永康、何超儀、趙學而 等等,見證他成為陳博士的一刻。

Eason自1995離開母校回港參加歌唱比賽後,這次是首次回到母校,令他感觸良多,Eason想起在校園的生活點滴及看見很多華人師弟妹亦 感高興。向來見慣大場面的Eason,在典禮儀式中表現非常緊張,他在致詞時也坦言:「從未試過這麼緊張,大家可以看得出來,我真的非常非常之緊張,也非 常榮幸得到這個榮譽,其實有時我覺得我是否真的做到很好?可以得到這麼多?我是不是已經成功?我並不覺得我已經成功,我一直仍在學習之中,成功對我來說, 是有一顆仁慈及充滿愛的心,因為我覺得人能做到這個境界才永遠無敵不敗。更要多謝母校對我的支持,自己會像一眾台下的學弟、學妹一樣,明天又是新一天,再 開始接受新挑戰。」

Eason更笑着唱了一句Monty Python的《Always look on the bright side of life》,他說:「自己在英國學到的就是這些。」Eason相信音樂是世界共通語言,他即場清唱幾句《天下無雙》,獲得全場掌聲。陳奕迅獲頒授名譽博士學位

參考自: http://www.singpao.com/yl/mx/201401/t20140126_486440.html


其實只要你認為 你自己在某範疇或行業上有貢獻,也可以向我們提出申請,成為某範疇的名譽博士。(有關各名人成為榮譽/名譽博士的例子)


Tel:(852) -23626600 Email: aohkce@yahoo.com.hk


博士學位 名譽博士學位 Dba Doctor of Business Administration 榮譽博士學位



Congratulatory Message by The Hon. Tsang Yok Sing, GBS, JP


Congratulatory Message by The Hon. Tsang Yok Sing, GBS, JP

Congratulatory Message by The Hon. Tsang Yok Sing, GBS, JP


bba, Dba, mba, Phd


Congratulations Message LAM Woon Kwong


Congratulations Message-LAM Woon-kwong

Congratulations Message-LAM Woon-kwong


bba, Dba, mba, Phd
