
美國認可美國大學 Ph.d / DBA / Ed.D / MBA / M.Ed.

美國認可美國大學 Executive Master of Business (EMBA)

名譽(榮譽)博士學位(Honorary degrees)

CMA’s 34th Anniversary Message by
Former US President 英國上議院亨特利侯 澳洲上議院何沈慧霞議員 Professor Peter Mathieson, Ph.D
Bill Clinton The Most Hon. The Marquis of Huntly The Honourable Helen Sham-Ho President of The University of Hong Kong
CMA’s 30th Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by
CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by Prof. Dr. Dominic S.W. Wong, GBS, OBE, JP Dr. York Y. N. Chow, GBS, JP CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by
The Hon. TSANG Yok-sing, GBS, JP FCHMA, FCHAD, FAPCA, FCITD Chairperson, Professor Joseph J.Y. Sung
President, FAPVA, FCAPS, FACHM, FARHM Equal Opportunities Commission President,
The Hong Kong Legislative Council (Former Director of Education, HKSAR Govt.) (Former Secretary for Food and Health) The Chinese University of Hong Kong
CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by
Prof. John CY Leong, SBS, OBE, JP Professor Timothy W. Tong, Ph.D Professor Albert SC Chan Professor Stephen YL Cheung
President, President, President, President,
Open University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong Baptist University Hong Kong Institute of Education
CMA’s 33rd
Message by
The Hon. LAM Woon-kwong, GBS, JP
Convener of the Non-official Members
of the Executive Council
(Former Director of Education, HKSAR Govt.)

Address:Room 706, Ho King Commercial Centre, 2-16 Fa Yuen Street, Mong Kok

Tel: (852) -23626600

whatsappwhatsapp_s: 63121881

WeChat IDwechat : aohkce



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Apollos University

Apollos University

Tel: (852) -23626600

whatsappwhatsapp_s: 63121881

WeChat IDwechat : aohkce







Honorary doctorate degrees are generally of the following types:

  • Doctor of Engineering
  • Doctor of Business


The degree aims to honor individuals

  1. who have distinguished academic achievement or contribution to the society
  2. who have made significant accomplishment in the promotion of academic exchange or world’s peace
  3. whose altruistic actions have brought significant merits to the national security, social development or environmental protection front
  4. who are outstanding contributors in the development of the academic institution/university


The Process


  1. Nominations are to be submitted to The Office of Academic Affairs of the awarding university. The letter of nomination should include the following information of the nominee: Name, sex, nationality, date of birth, academic. background, curriculum vitae, and proposed doctorate degree to be awarded.
  2. The reviewing committee (together with other external parties if required) of the awarding university is to assess the nomination. Once the assessment is completed, representatives of the University Council will cast a vote on the nomination.  Nominations should be endorsed by the Provost of the college running the doctorate class.
  3. Once approval has been confirmed by the University Council, the nomination letter, minutes of the reviewing committee and relevant information of the individual to be awarded with the honorary doctorate degree will be filed with the Ministry of Education of the respective country and the Board of Directors of the Charter Management Association (CMA) for further assessment.


If you consider yourself having outstanding contribution to a specific field, you are also welcome to submit an application to us to become an honorary doctor in your area of endeavour.


The higher education programs of the CMA are designed to answer the needs of the matured working professionals, with an aim for their professional credentials to be recognized through the following degree courses: MBA, Phd, DBA, BBA, BA.  Through the CMA systems, students can further collaborate through leveraging on each others’ social and professional network.

CMA’s 34th Anniversary Message by
Former US President 英國上議院亨特利侯 澳洲上議院何沈慧霞議員 Professor Peter Mathieson, Ph.D
Bill Clinton The Most Hon. The Marquis of Huntly The Honourable Helen Sham-Ho President of The University of Hong Kong
CMA’s 30th Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by
CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by Prof. Dr. Dominic S.W. Wong, GBS, OBE, JP Dr. York Y. N. Chow, GBS, JP CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by
The Hon. TSANG Yok-sing, GBS, JP FCHMA, FCHAD, FAPCA, FCITD Chairperson, Professor Joseph J.Y. Sung
President, FAPVA, FCAPS, FACHM, FARHM Equal Opportunities Commission President,
The Hong Kong Legislative Council (Former Director of Education, HKSAR Govt.) (Former Secretary for Food and Health) The Chinese University of Hong Kong
CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by
Prof. John CY Leong, SBS, OBE, JP Professor Timothy W. Tong, Ph.D Professor Albert SC Chan Professor Stephen YL Cheung
President, President, President, President,
Open University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong Baptist University Hong Kong Institute of Education
CMA’s 33rd
Message by
The Hon. LAM Woon-kwong, GBS, JP
Convener of the Non-official Members
of the Executive Council
(Former Director of Education, HKSAR Govt.)
The higher education programs of the CMA are designed to answer the needs of the matured working professionals, with an aim for their professional credentials to be recognized through the following degree courses: MBA, Phd, DBA, BBA, BA. Through the CMA education system, students can further collaborate through leveraging on each others’ social and professional network.

Address:Room 706, Ho King Commercial Centre, 2-16 Fa Yuen Street, Mong Kok

Tel: (852) -23626600

whatsappwhatsapp_s: 63121881

WeChat IDwechat : aohkce




Charisma University’s Accreditation


British Accreditation Council LogoCharisma University is accredited by the British Accreditation Council (BAC) for Independent Further and Higher Education as an Independent Higher Education Institution. BAC is an independent, well-established and globally recognized national accreditation body as evidenced by its full recognition by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and its listing on the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR). BAC is also a full member of The International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE).

Charisma University 是一所得到英國獨立高等教育認證委員會 (BAC) 認証的高等教育機構. 為歐洲高等教育品質保證協會(ENQA) 所認可及列名於歐洲高等教育品質保證登記冊 (EQAR)上, BAC是一所獨立, 具公信力, 及受全球認可的國際學院審核組織. BAC 亦為高等教育品質保證國際網絡 (INQAAHE) 的正式會員.

View Charisma University listing on the BAC website.


FlagCharisma University is recognized by the Turks and Caicos Islands Ministry of Education as a degree-granting institution for Associate’s degree, Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, and the Doctorate along with Certificate programs.

Charisma University 是一所得到特克斯和凱科斯群島教育部承認的學位授予機構, 包括副學士學位, 學士學位, 碩士學位, 博士及其他證書課程.

Ministry of Education, Youth, Sport and Culture
Government Office
Grand Turk
Phone: 649-946-2801 Ext 10304/10307
Fax: 649-946-2886
Web: www.turksandcaicos.tc/government/

Ministry of Education Recognized Schools in Turks and Caicos Islands

Click here to read the Universities and Colleges ACT of the Turks and Caicos Islands that empowers Charisma University to offer its academic programs and award degrees to its graduates.


ACBSP LogoCharisma University is a candidate for accreditation with the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). ACBSP accredits business, accounting, and business-related programs at the associate, baccalaureate, master, and doctorate degree levels worldwide. ACBSP is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).

Charisma University正在接受商學院和計劃認證委員會(ACBSP) 的審核. ACBSP 審核全球的商業, 會計, 及其他與商業有關的副學士, 學士, 碩士, 及博士學位課程. ACBSP 為美國高等教育認證委員會 (CHEA) 所認可.

View our ACBSP Candidate Accreditation Certificate

Address:Room 706, Ho King Commercial Centre, 2-16 Fa Yuen Street, Mong Kok

Tel: (852) -23626600

whatsappwhatsapp_s: 63121881

WeChat IDwechat : aohkce




Why study in Charisma University?

A “Better, Faster, Cheaper and Easier” way to get an ACCREDITED Degree!

Better”: People in Hong Kong and other Asian countries can get a high quality ACCREDITED degree without having to give up their careers and families in order to go overseas to study. They can complete our programs 100% in their home country, taking full advantage of online or distance learning which is the wave of the future. A recent study reported, “The 2010 U.S. Department of Education’s Review of Online Learning Studies” found that students who took all or part of a course online perform better, on average, than those taking the same course through traditional face-to-face instruction. Similarly, a study conducted in the same year by the internationally known scholars Mickey Shachar and Yoram Neumann that analyzed 20 years of research on the topic showed that in 70 percent of the cases, students who took distance-learning courses outperformed their counterparts who took courses in a traditional environment. Evidence like this cannot be ignored” (CAPP, October 6, 2011).

Charisma University’s distance education model is even better, because it is custom-tailored for the Asian countries. Our Asia Pacific Office Partner Charter Management Association (CMA) with its 21 Authorized Promotion And Recruitment Centers, will promote and recruit students to study the distance-learning “top-up” final year BBA, MBA, EMBA, DBA, Ph.D and Ed.D degree programs in Hong Kong. CMA will offer assistance to students in completing their various degree programs within the time-frame for graduation. Furthermore, our expert faculty will help outstanding students publish their research in peer-reviewed conferences and international journals. This is a service which no other university offers. As a side note, a CMA Honorary President himself is a distinguished Full-bright Scholar, who has published more than 200 publications in high-quality peer reviewed journals!

Charisma University is also unique in that we give special consideration for people who lack English proficiency. For years, folks such as these have been denied entry into or graduation from ACCREDITED universities. For these students, we offer them the option to complete their assignments in their native Chinese language. This is consistent with our vision to make ACCREDITED university education accessible to everyone in the country, including those coming from rural areas where English proficiency may be very low to non-existent.

Faster”: A huge advantage of Charisma University’s programs is that motivated students can complete a degree program much faster than in a traditional university. For instance, it usually takes an average of 2 years to complete a typical US/MBA program, whereas our MBA program can be completed in as little as 9 months to a year. One reason for this is that we value our students’ unique backgrounds and provide academic credits for their prior work experience or trainings.

Cheaper”: As everyone knows, studying in the USA today can be very, very expensive. Not only are tuition fees skyrocketing beyond the means of an average citizen in Asian countries, one has also to account for other expenses like travel, accommodation and food…etc. All in all, it can easily cost a foreign student at least USD80,000 a year to study and live in a place like California.Because of the special relationship with Charisma University, CMA is able to make their programs very affordable to everyone in Hong Kong. Through CMA’s specific mechanism, the degree programs are offered at much lower tuition fees. For example, the ” top-up ” final year BBA program costs only HKD19,800 for qualified members of CMA’s various related Professional Associations in Hong Kong, whereas in US it normally costs USD19,000. Similarly, the MBA program in US which normally costs USD15,000, is now offered in Hong Kong for only HKD29,800 for qualified members of CMA’s various related Professional Associations(almost a 75% discount!). Not only will the student pay much less for the tuition fee in Hong Kong, he or she will save tremendously on travel and living expenses by not having to study and live abroad.

Easier”: Charisma University’s vision is to make ACCREDITED degree programs accessible to everyone in the world, so that they too can realize their “University dream”. In order to do so, Charisma University realizes that it has to be flexible in its admission policies, in order to adapt to the realities of the local market. For example, SAT or TOEFL is not required for entry into the BBA program. For admission into the MBA program, there is no need for students to take TOEFL, GMAT or GRE. Local Diploma students are eligible to do a “top-up” final year BBA program. Since the tragic day of 11 September 2001, it has become increasingly difficult for foreign students to go to US to study. Students who have been accepted by the US universities are often denied an entry visa at the local American Embassy. Charisma University’s distance learning model has made this problem irrelevant: instead of students having to go and study in US to get an American degree, Charisma University is now bringing various ACCREDITED degree programs right into their home! Finally, for people who are worried about their English proficiency but don’t have the time to improve their English skills, Charisma University’s unique learning model is flexible enough to accommodate them, because they have the option to do their assignments and projects in their native Chinese language.


Tel: (852) -23626600

whatsappwhatsapp_s: 63121881

WeChat IDwechat : aohkce



榮譽贊助人 Hon. Patrons


Hon. Patrons
Return Quick Links Awards Ceremony Press Release


The Most Hon. The Marquis of Huntly, UK
F.Inst.CM, FFA, FAPCA(Hon.)
– Member of The House of Lords (UK)
– President of The Institute of Commercial Management, UK
– President of The Institute of Financial Accountants, UK
– Honorary Patron and Hon. Life Fellow of The Asia Pacific CEO Association
(Registered under the Societies Ordinance of the Hong Kong SAR Government)
The Honourable Helen Sham-Ho
JP, MLC, BA, B.Leg.S, Dip.Soc.Wk., FAPCA(Hon.), FCHMA(Hon.), FCHAD(Hon.), FAASM(Hon.)
– Member of The Legislative Council and Temporary Chairman of Committees, Australia
– Honorary Patron and Honorary Fellow of Chartered Management Association
– Honorary Patron and Honorary Fellow of Asia Pacific CEO Association
– Honorary Patron and Honorary Fellow of Chartered Association of Directors
黃星華 GBS, OBE 太平紳士
Prof. Dr. Dominic S.W. Wong
GBS, OBE, JP, FCHMA(Hon.), FCHAD(Hon.), FAPCA(Hon.), FAPVA(Hon.), FCITD(Hon.), FFCS(Hon.)
– Former Secretary for Housing, Hong Kong SAR Government
– Former Director of Education, Hong Kong Government
– Honorary Patron, Charter Management Association
– Honorary Patron, Chartered Management Association
(registered under the Societies Ordinance of The Hong Kong SAR Government)
– Honorary Patron, Chartered Association of Directors
(registered under the Societies Ordinance of The Hong Kong SAR Government)
– Honorary Patron, Chartered Management School of Distance Learning
(registered under the Education Ordinance of The Hong Kong Education Department)
– Honorary Patron, Chartered Institute of Training And Development
(registered under the Societies Ordinance of The Hong Kong SAR Government)
– Honorary Patron, Asia Pacific MBA Graduates Association
(registered under the Societies Ordinance of The Hong Kong SAR Government)
– Honorary Patron, Asia Pacific DBA Graduates Association
(registered under the Societies Ordinance of The Hong Kong SAR Government)
– Honorary Patron, Faculty of Secretaries And Administrators (Hong Kong Branch)
(registered under the Societies Ordinance of The Hong Kong SAR Government)
張有興 CBE 太平紳士
Dr. Hilton Cheong-Leen
CBE, JP, Chev. Legion d’Honneur
Ph.D. (Hon.), F.Inst.CM(Hon.), FAPCA(Hon.), FCHMA(Hon.), FCHAD(Hon.)
– 香港立法局 1973-1979 及 1985-1988 年度議員
Member of The Legislative Council, Hong Kong (1973-1979, 1985-1988)
– 香港市政局 1 981-1986 年度主席
Chairman of The Urban Council, Hong Kong (1981-1986)
– 原國際獅子總會港澳 303 區總監
Past District Governor of The Lions Clubs International,
District 303-Hong Kong & Macau
– Hon. President of The Scout Association of Hong Kong
– Chairman of Hong Kong Civic Association
– J.P. Court Member
– Patron of The Social Sciences Society, Hong Kong University Students Union
– Hon. Auditor of The World Federation of United Nations Associations
– Hon. Fellow of The Institute of Commercial Management, UK
– Hon. Fellow and Senior Advisor of The Asia Pacific CEO Association
(Registered under the Societies Ordinance of the Hong Kong SAR Government)
– Honorary Patron and Hon. Fellow of The Chartered Management Association
(Registered under the Societies Ordinance of the Hong Kong SAR Government)
– Senior Advisor of The University of Oregon Continuing Education Porgram
Associates (Hong Kong)
(Registered under the Societies Ordinance of the Hong Kong SAR Government)
The Honourable Gordon K.C. Siu, GBS, JP
FCHMA(Hon.), FCHAD(Hon.)
– 原香港特別行政區規劃地政局局長及經濟司
(Former Secretary for Planning and Lands, Hong Kong SAR Government)
(Former Secretary for Economic Services, Hong Kong Government)
– Former Director, New Airport Projects Co-ordination Office
– Former Commissioner for Transport
– Former Postmaster General
– Former Secretary General, Office of Members of the Executive and Legislative Councils
Dr. Charles W.B. Cheung
JP, DBA (Hon.), MBA, F.Inst.CM(Hon.), FCHMA(Hon.), FCHAD(Hon.), FAPCA(Hon.)
– 觀瀾湖高爾夫球會行政總裁
Chief Executive of The Mission Hill Golf Club
– 菲律賓萬國匯通銀行董事
Director of Global Business Bank, Philippines
– Advisor of Metropolitan Bank & Trust Company, Philippines
– 嘉華國際集團有限公司 ( 香港聯合交易所上市公司 ) 董事
Director of K.Wah International Holdings Ltd.
(A Public Company Listed in The Hong Kong Stock Exchange)
– Vice Chairman of Harbour View Hotels (Holdings) Ltd.
– Appointed Lay Assessor in Magistrates Court since 1979
– Appointed Assessor in Money Lenders Licensing Court since 1980
– Appointed Director of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (1981-1982)
– Appointed Member of The Advisory Board of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (1982-1983)
– Appointed Member of Board of Education (1983-1986)
– Appointed Member of The Council of The Baptist College (1984-1986)
– Appointed Member of The Board of Management of
The Hong Kong Tourist Association (1982-1984)
– Appointed Member of The Air Transport Licensing Authority (1981-1985)
– Former Chairman of Education Sub-Committee of
The Hong Kong Centre of The Chartered Institute of Bankers, London (UK)
– Former Part-Time Lecturer on Bank Management,
Chinese University of Hong Kong and Extra Mural  Studies, University of Hong Kong
– Hon. Fellow of The Institute of Commercial Management, UK
– Hon. Fellow and Advisor of The Asia Pacific CEO Association
(Registered under the Societies Ordinance of the Hong Kong SAR Government)
– Hon. Fellow and Advisor of The Chartered Management Association
(Registered under the Societies Ordinance of the Hong Kong SAR Government)
– Senior Advisor of The University of Oregon   Continuing Education Program Associates
(Hong Kong)
(Registered under the Societies Ordinance of the Hong Kong SAR Government)
李鵬飛 CBE 太平紳士
Dr. Allen Lee Peng-Fei
LL.D (Hon.), D.Eng (Hon.), CBE, JP, FCHMA(Hon.)
– 原全國人大港區代表
Former Deputy, HKSAR, The 9 th National People’s Congress, PRC
– 首席立法局議員 (1988-1991)
Senior Member of Legislative Council, Hong Kong (1988-1991)
– 香港立法局議員 (1978-1998)
Member of Legislative Council, Hong Kong (1978-1998)
– 香港行政局議員 (1985-1992)
Member of Executive Council, Hong Kong (1985-1992)
黃宏發 OBE 太平紳士
The Honourable Andrew W.F. Wong
– 原香港立法局主席
Former Chairman of The Legislative Council, Hong Kong
– 原香港大學校董
Former Member, Court of University of Hong Kong
Dr. David S.H. Chu
– 中國全國政協委員
Committee Member, National Committee of The Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference
– 深圳大學名譽董事長
Honorary Chairman of Shenzhen University , China
Professor Bill McIntosh
– Vice Principal of Aberdeen Business School, The Robert Gordon University (1731), UK
Dr. John Shumaker
– President of The Central Connecticut State University, Connecticut, USA




Dr. Richard S.L. Lai
Ph.D., F.Inst.CM(Hon.), FAPCA(Hon.), FCHMA(Hon.), FCHAD (Hon.), FCSM(Hon.), C.TEXT, FTI, FBIM, FIIM, FCIM
– 區事顧問
Advisor on Hongkong District Affairs to The Government of The PRC
– Governor of Hong Kong Chapter of The CCSU Alumni Association,
Central Connecticut State University, Connecticut, USA
– Honorary Citizen of The City of New Britain, Connecticut, USA
– 原香港立法局議員
Former Member of The Legislative Council, Hong Kong
– Government-Appointed Member of Tsuen Wan District Board (1985-91)
– Awardee of Ten Outstanding Young Persons’ Selection (1980), Hong Kong
– Past President of Rotary Club of Tsuen Wan
– Chairman of The Federation of Industries in Tsuen Wan
– 原香港生產力促進局署理主席
Former Acting Chairman of Hong Kong Productivity Council
– Supervisor of Textile Institute American Chamber of Commerce,
Woo Hon Fai Prevocational School
– Past President of The Institute of Management (Hong Kong)
– Hon. Vice President of Business Students’ Union,
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
– Hon. Fellow of The Canadian School of Management, Canada
– Hon. Fellow of The Institute of Commercial Management, UK
– Hon. Fellow and Senior Advisor of The Asia Pacific CEO Association
(Registered under the Societies Ordinance of the Hong Kong SAR Government)
– Hon. Fellow and Senior Advisor of The Chartered Management Association
(Registered under the Societies Ordinance of the Hong Kong SAR Government)
– Senior Advisor of The University of Oregon Continuing Education Program Associates
(Hong Kong )
(Registered under the Societies Ordinance of the Hong Kong SAR Government)


Honorary Directors
(in alphabetical order)


□  Professor Keith Cornwell
B.Sc. Ph.D., D.Eng., C.Eng., FIMeehE, FCHMA, FCHAD
– Honorary Director and Honorary Fellow of Chartered Management Association
– Honorary Director and Honorary Fellow of Chartered Association of Directors
– Director of Quality, Heriot-Watt University (1821). UK□  羅涵先先生
– 中國人民政協全國委員會常務委員
– 中國民主同盟中央副主席
– 全國政協社會與法制委員會副主任
□  Dr. Tony K.T. Leung
– Fellow of Chartered Management Association
– Executive Director of Ryoden Development Ltd.
(A Company Listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd.)

□  Professor Adrian North
– Honorary Director and Honorary Fellow,
Chartered Association of Directors
– Director of Psychology,
Heriot-Watt University (1821), UK

□  Sir Dr. Alan Wong (黃德倫爵士)
– Honorary President , Charter Management Association
– 聖約翰(馬爾他)大司令官爵士
– 歐洲馬爾他騎士團特派專員
Grand Commander, Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knight of Malta
– 番禺橫瀝鎮政府經濟顧問
– 山西省海聯會理事
– 貴州省海聯會理事
– 重慶市海聯會理事
– 清遠市政協之友聯誼會理事
– 原香港東區區議會民選議員

□  王學利先生
– 天津市政協委員
– 天津市工商聯常委
– 天津市國際商會副會長

□  Professor Yang Haixing (楊海興教授)
– Fellow of Chartered Management Association
– 成人教育學院院長 Dean of Adult Education School,
– 中國上海交通大學 Shanghai Jiaotong University, China


Former US President Bill Clinton

Former US President

Bill Clintonformer-us-president-bill-clinton-2 former-us-president-bill-clinton


California Coast University




CCU Accreditation Renewal of DEAC Accreditation

CMA’s 34th Anniversary Message by
Former US President 英國上議院亨特利侯 澳洲上議院何沈慧霞議員 Professor Peter Mathieson, Ph.D
Bill Clinton The Most Hon. The Marquis of Huntly The Honourable Helen Sham-Ho President of The University of Hong Kong
CMA’s 30th Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by
CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by Prof. Dr. Dominic S.W. Wong, GBS, OBE, JP Dr. York Y. N. Chow, GBS, JP CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by
The Hon. TSANG Yok-sing, GBS, JP FCHMA, FCHAD, FAPCA, FCITD Chairperson, Professor Joseph J.Y. Sung
President, FAPVA, FCAPS, FACHM, FARHM Equal Opportunities Commission President,
The Hong Kong Legislative Council (Former Director of Education, HKSAR Govt.) (Former Secretary for Food and Health) The Chinese University of Hong Kong
CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by CMA’s 33rd Anniversary Message by
Prof. John CY Leong, SBS, OBE, JP Professor Timothy W. Tong, Ph.D Professor Albert SC Chan Professor Stephen YL Cheung
President, President, President, President,
Open University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong Baptist University Hong Kong Institute of Education

Address:Room 706, Ho King Commercial Centre, 2-16 Fa Yuen Street, Mong Kok

Tel: (852) -23626600

whatsappwhatsapp_s: 63121881

WeChat IDwechat : aohkce




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A Fast Track to Attaining a Prestigious US Bachelor Qualification

Bachelor of Business Administration            

Registration Number: 261639

A Fast Track to Attaining a Prestigious US Bachelor Qualification

About UMT

The University of Management and Technology (UMT), chartered by the State Council of Higher Education of Virginia (SCHEV), is a private university located in downtown metropolitan area in the Washing D.C. of Virginia State, USA. UMT’s campus is located in proximity to the White House and Pentagon building.

UMT provides graduate and undergraduate degree programs and professional development programs to American and international students in modern management and technology areas.

UMT is committed to excellence in management and technology education. Its courses focus on contemporary management and technology issues. Faculty members are carefully screened to assure that UMT instructors possess a balance of scholarly and practical insights on current management practice and technology applications.

UMT is committed to employing modern teaching delivery technology to offer its students the best management and technology education available. UMT faculty and staff have extensive management and education experience working with major universities, companies, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies.


UMT is an institutional member of Council for Higher Education Accreditation. CHEA is a private, nonprofit national organization that coordinates accreditation activities in the United States. CHEA is largest institutional higher education membership organization in the United States with approximately 3,000 accredited colleges and universities and more than 60 participating national, regional, and specialized accrediting organizations.

UMT is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of the Distance Education and Training Council (DETC, www.detc.org). The Accrediting Commission of the Distance Education and Training Council is listed by the U.S. Department of Education as a nationally recognized accrediting agency. The Distance Education and Training Council was founded in 1926 and it is the only accreditation body that authorized to accredit universities and schools offering programs outside the United States far from its US based campuses.

UMT is a Global Registered Education Provider of Project Management Institute. With over 100,000 members worldwide, the PMI is the leading nonprofit professional association in the area of Project Management.

UMT is approved by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services of U.S. Department of Homeland Security to accept F-1 visa international students to study at UMT’s campuses in the United States.

UMT is an approved participating university in the U.S. Department of Defense’s DANTES program (DANTES, www.voled.doded.mil) to provide education programs to US military personnel.

UMT is approved by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to participate the Montgomery G.I. Bill program (www.gibill.va.gov). The G.I. Bill Program provides education benefits for eligible military personnel, both veterans and active duty personnel. UMT is a strategic partner of the Defense Acquisition University (DAU, www.dau.mil).

Global Network

UMT collaborates with a number of prestigious universities around the world to offer their undergraduate and postgraduate programs:


UMT cooperates with Australian Graduate School

of Management (AGSM), which is the business school

for both The University of New South Wales and

The University of Sydney. Academic Dean of UMT,

Dr. J. Davidson Frame presented a variety of topics

in Sydney and Melbourne over the years.

Greater China

UMT works with Beijing University, the best university in China to offer their MBA in Project

Management for 5 successful intakes.

UMT teams up with East China University of Science and

Technology to offer their highly successful mater programs in project management.

United Kingdom

UMT offers degree programs in cooperation with Warwick University in the United Kingdom.

Distinguished Academic Team

UMT’s faculty team represents diverse backgrounds with members having taught and earned their advanced degrees from some of the top universities in the world.

J. Davidson Frame, PhD, PMP

Academic Dean

  • Member of Board, Project Management Institute

  • Vice President, YCG

  • Former Professor at The George Washington University

C. Eric Kirkland, PhD

Vice President of Operations

  • MBA, University of Pennsylvania

  • PhD, University of Virginia

  • Former Vice President and Director of Grantham University

Bahram Bahramian, PhD

  • Taught at Columbia University, Purdue University, and University of Dayton in Ohio

  • Ph.D. and B.S., civil engineering and systems design, University of Birmingham, England; M.A., University of Dayton; advanced post-doctoral diploma in systems management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

James Lewis, PhD

  • B.S. in Electrical Engineering and a Ph.D. in Psychology, North Carolina State University

  • An experienced project manager who teaches seminars and publishes many books on project management.

William Wells, PhD

  • D.B.A. from The George Washington University, a master’s degree from Purdue University; bachelor’s degree in physics from the University of Chicago.

  • Planning director for the Apollo Mission to the Moon; Principal consultant and interim chief of staff for President Bush’s Science Advisor.

Program Features

  • Can be completed within one year

  • Flexible Learning mode (Web-based Learning platform, Distance Learning, Tutorial)

  • Tutorial supports by qualified local tutors. UMT course supervisors and teaching assistants will monitor and facilitate instruction and guide students in the use of resources available in Hong Kong and the US.

  • Instructional materials for distance learning will be provided to facilitate students’ learning. Free access to UMT’s on-line platform and library

Program Structure

UMT’s bachelor degree conversion is designed specifically for diploma and associate degree holders, and is offered through a combination of tutorial with using the latest multi-mode information and communication technology. The program is designed to develop in students a solid foundation of knowledge, understanding, skill and application in the field of communication and business administration. Students will increase their capacity for analytical reasoning, critical thinking, problem solving and effective communication. In addition, successful completion of the program satisfies the admission requirements for the MBA and many other graduate programs from Hong Kong and overseas institutions.

For students with 3-year diploma or equivalent, the following 10 courses will be required to obtain UMT’s BBA degree:

  • Business Communications

  • Principles of Management

  • Principles of Marketing

  • Legal Environment of Business

  • Economics of Managers

  • Accounting for Managers

  • Business Statistics

  • Principles of Finance

  • Entrepreneurship

  • Business Policy

Admission Requirements

The minimum admission requirements are as follows:

  • Holder of Associate degree/diploma with the minimum GPA of 2.5 from a recognized university or professional association.

  • Demonstrated proficiency in English

  • Other equivalent qualifications to be assessed by UMT.


Assessment of each subject typically consists of assignments and a written examination generally contributing to about half of the overall assessment

Applying for Admission

  • Completed application form

Make sure to complete the entire application form, giving accurate and up-to-date information.

  • Official transcripts from all graduate and undergraduate institutions attended

Transcripts not in English must be accompanied by certified English translations.

  • A current resume

Please note: Payment must accompany all registrations in order to reserve your seat.



美國管理技術大學 (The University of Management and Technology, 簡稱UMT) 是美國弗吉尼亞州高等教育委員會 (SEHEV) 正式授權提供高等教育課程的私立大學. UMT位於美國首都華盛頓市中心,坐落於白宮及五角大樓附近.

UMT 為美國本土及海外學生提供各類有關現代管理與科技的準學士, 學士, 碩士,博士學位課程, 同時還開設各類專業證書培訓項目.

UMT的課程著眼於現代管理與科技議題, 在管理與科技的教學領域上力求創先. 教學團隊均曾任職於主要大學,商業機構,慈善組織及政府機關, 具有豐富的教學與管理資力, 對於現代管理與科技的實踐與應用具深入的體會.  團隊均經過精挑細選, 在當代教學科技的配合下, 冒求為學員帶來理論興實踐並重的學習體驗.


UMT是美國高等教育認證委員會 (CHEA) 的機構成員.  CHEA 是一所非牟利的私營組織, 為美國高等教育機構提供品質評審與認證.  CHEA 是美國擁用最多高等教育會員的機構, 包括約3,000間已獲認証的學院與大學, 及超過60間全國性, 地區性或專業性的認証組織.

UMT已獲美國遠程教育培訓委員會 (DETC, www.detc.org) 之認證委員會 (DEAC) 認證.   UMT所頒發的學位證書與美國在校學習頒發的學位證書具有同等資格和效力.  成立於1926年, DEAC 是唯一獲美國教育部認可為遠程教育機構提供認證的組織.

UMT 已獲美國項目管理協會 (PMI) 之全球項目管理鑑定中心 (GAC) 認證.  PMI為一所非牟利組織, 在全球擁有超過100,000名會員, 在項目管理的領域上極具領導地位.

UMT 是美國國土安全部國籍移民管理局 (原美司法部移民局) (www.dhs.gov/) 批准招收F-1簽證留學生及美國國務院批准的招收J-1留學生的大學之一.

UMT 是美國軍方教育項目 (DANTES和G.I. BILL) 的成員大學.  美國國防部的DANTES Program (DANTES, www.voled.doded.mil) 為美國軍方人員提供教育項目.  G.I.Gill Program (www.gibill.va.gov) 則為合資格的在職及退伍軍人提供教育福利.



UMT 與數間在國際上享負盛名的大學合作提供學士及研究院課程.

UMT校長J.D.弗雷姆多年來為澳大利亞管理研究所 (AGSM) 教授一系列的課程. AGSM是新南威爾斯大學及悉尼大學的商學院.

UMT與中國最優秀的大學 – 北京大學合作提供有關項目管理的工商管理碩士課程 (MBA), 並已踏入第5個學年.


UMT 與華威大學合作提供學位課程.



UMT的教學團隊具多樣化的背景, 且均曾就讀或任教於國際的頂級大學.

J. Davidson Frame, PhD, PMP
UMT校長,PMI 董事會董事

C. Eric Kirkland, PhD
MBA, 美國賓夕凡尼亞大學
PhD, 美國弗吉尼亞大學
曾任教於Graham University

Bahram Bahramian, PhD
PhD, BS, 英國伯明翰大學
MA, 美國戴頓大學
Advanced post-doctoral diploma (深造文憑), 麻省理工學院
曾任教於美國哥倫比亞大學, 美國普渡大學及美國戴頓大學

James Lewiks, Phd
BS, PhD, 美國北卡羅來納州立大學
著名項目管理專家, 曾出版多本著作

William Wells, PhD
DBA, 美國喬治華盛頓大學


  • 可於一年內完成
  • 彈性學習模式 (網上學習平台, 遠程學習輔導)
  • UMT課程主任及教學助理監控課程進度, 由合資格的本地導師提供學習輔導
  • 為學生提供遠程學習材料及講義. 無限使用UMT網上學習平台及資料庫.



UMT的銜接學士課程專為持有文憑或副學士學位的人士而設. 除鞏固基礎學術理論外, 此課程對於發展學員的推理能力, 分析思維, 及溝通技巧亦甚為著重. 成功完成此課程者等同擁有報讀香港或海外MBA及其他研究生課程的入學資格.

已擁有3年文憑或同等學歷的學員, 需完成以下10個課程, 便可取得UMT的工商管理學士學位 (BBA):

  • 商務溝通
  • 管理原理
  • 行銷原理
  • 企業法律環境
  • 經理人的經濟學
  • 經理人的會計學
  • 商業統計學
  • 金融原理
  • 企業精神
  • 商業政策




  • 持有認可大學或專業機構文憑或副學士學位及GPA最少2.5分
  • 具有良好英語能力

每課程均設習作及期終考試, 比重約各佔一半


  • 課程申請表 – 請提供準確及有效的資料及填妥整份申請表
  • 以往大學或學院的成績表正本 – 如非英語, 須提供經核證的英文譯本
  • 履歷表

Address:Room 706, Ho King Commercial Centre, 2-16 Fa Yuen Street, Mong Kok

Tel: (852) -23626600

whatsappwhatsapp_s: 63121881

WeChat IDwechat : aohkce


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工商管理學士課程(BBA,Bachelor of Business Administration)

我們的工商管理學士(BBA,Bachelor of Business Administration)課程是你的必然選擇

Nobel University

Nobel University




Nobel University2


在當地修讀諾貝爾大學(NOBEL UNIVERSITY)MBA課程為$18,600美元,現在你只需要完成我們的專業文憑,便可獲該大學的大部份學分豁免,只需要付出19,800港元,便可報讀。


國際的認受性The Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE)



工商管理碩士 , MBA , CMA , PHD , 進修課程 , BBA , 博士學位


兩年內幫你考取美國認可工商管理博士學位(Doctor of Business Administration)

兩年內幫你考取美國認可工商管理博士學位(Doctor of Business Administration)
Yuin University-photo

美國加州育英大學Yuin University

Yuin University was founded on March 1, 1981 by Henry Yu, Ph.D. in the city of Baldwin Park, California. The grand opening was held on December 5, 1981 with the mayor of the city of Baldwin Park. Over 200 Baldwin Park residents were in attendance including Miss Baldwin Park. In September of 1981, Yuin University received its full authorization from the Califormia State Department of Public Instruction for its graduate and undergraduate degree programs. In October 1982, Yuin University received Acupuncture Vocational Certificate course approval from the California State Department of Public Instruction. In May 1983, the school became affiliated with The National Council of Acupuncture Schools and Colleges, an Acupuncture Accreditation Association heading toward Federal Government recognition. The University voluntarily withdrew membership in 1985.

Yuin University is a private, international, and independent institute of higher education consisting of the School of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine, the School of Business Administration, and the School of Theology. The School of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine provides a classroom based on traditional instruction. However, the School of Theology and Business Administration provide a non-traditional independent study system of education. Yuin University provides undergraduate and graduate educational opportunities. Course work is offered for both resident and non-resident students. Resident student programs consist of traditional classroom study, seminars, and field word. For non-resident students, we provide an off campus program of guided independent study. Non-resident students are welcome to use all the facilities of Yuin University and to come and consult with their advisor and professors. In all other ways, they have all the rights and privileges of Yuin University’s resident students.


The School of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine provides a classroom based non-traditional education and training which will prepare students for the professional practice of Acupuncture and Oriental Herbal Science in the United States.

The School of Theology provides higher learning and continuing education for church pastors, religious leaders, and missionaries without leaving their current ministries in which they were involved, through an independent study program.

The School of Business Administration provides effective educational programs primarily directed to fully employed, highly motivated men and women who have the sincere desire to increase their job security, to improve their career prospects, and to accelerate their personal development without leaving their present jobs, through an independent study program.


The objectives of Yuin University are as follows:

  1. Each student will be encouraged to endeavor and achieve the greatest educational level possible in his/her chosen field of study.
  2. Each student will be provided assistance to utilize his/her educational abilities for the self, community, and society-at-large.
  3. Each student will be encouraged and prepared to become actively involved in the professional community of his/her chosen field of study for the purpose of both making professional contributions and seeking continuing education.
  4. Each student will develop greater cross-cultural awareness as a result of the Yuin University learning experience.
  5. Each student receiving a master’s degree from Yuin University will have demonstrated both a mastery and some htmlect of the subject matter of his/her chosen field of study, and a high level of competence in the application of that subject matter.
  6. Each student receiving a doctoral degree from Yuin University will have demonstrated beyond a master’s level of competence, mastery of the subject matter in his/her chosen field of study and the ability to perform creative scholarly research.

BPPE_Logo_225X225Yuin University has been operating of degree granting institute approved by the BPPE (Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education).

icon_ca_Acupuncture board

  Yuin University approved by the California Acupuncture Board and graduates of the MSAOM program are eligible to sit for the California Acupuncture Licensing Examination.


Yuin University has been accredited by the ASIC(Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges & Universities).

 Yuin University has been participating in SEVIS for I-20 and allowed non-immigrant students by the DHS(U.S. Depatment of Homeland Security).


Useful Links



1.About Yuin University, California




2.California Postsecondary Education Commission


( Remarks: Yuin University (in the lower middle of the page) has been listed among those reputable Universities
in California including UC Berkeley, UC LA, CSU Fullerton, Pepperdine U, Stanford U and USC … etc.)




( Remarks: 1. Yuin University is one of the SEVP -certified schools. For verification, please click in
2. Yuin University has been listed among those reputable Universities including Harvard University, Stanford, Yale, Princeton,
MIT, UC Berkeley, City U of New York and Northwestern University … etc
http://studyinthestates.dhs.gov/assets/pdfs/Certified_School_List_11-20-13.pdf )


4.Consortium of American Schools, Colleges & Universities (CASCU)




(Remarks: Yuin University has been listed among other reputable Universities including Dartmouth College, Duke University,
George Washington University, Georgetown University Law Center, Northwestern University, Texas A & M University,
Tulane University, University of Maryland and University of Nortre Dame …etc.)









( Remarks: Yuin University is Accredited by The ASIC ! )



6.Recognitions of The Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities ( ASIC )


” … ASIC is also recognised by the Home Office, is a member of CHEA International Quality Group (CIQG)
in USA, and is listed in their International Directory, and has recently been accepted by the BQF
( British Quality Foundation ). “
( Source: https://www.gov.uk/government/world-location-news/university-accreditation-in-thailand )


6.1Council for Higher Education Accreditation ( CHEA )






( Remarks: click in the following Link of ” CHEA International Quality Group Membership List “:
Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities ” ASIC ” is on the List ! ))




7.Administration & Staff








(Remarks: Special Tuition Fee of HKD88,000 exclusively for the qualified Fellowships of / / )


9.International Students





10.Yuin’s Taiwan Center




11.Yuin’s Representative in Canada









Tel:(852) -23626600 Email: aohkce@yahoo.com.hk


博士學位 名譽博士學位 Dba Doctor of Business Administration 榮譽博士學位
