Members of our various Professional Associations have been recognized internationally.
Below listed are our selected recommendations:-
• Heriot-Watt University , UK
Our Members are welcome to apply for the distance learning MBA degree programme.
• Central Connecticut State University , USA
Our Members are welcome to apply for various Graduate and Postgraduate Certificate Programs in (i.) Business Administration, (ii.) Corporate Governance And Directorship, (iii.) Financial Planning, (iv.) International Marketing, (v.) Logistics And Transportation Management, and (v.) Project Management …. etc.
• University of Alberta , Canada
CMA members are welcome to apply for the EMBA degree program offered in Hong Kong .
• University of Louisville , USA
Our Members are welcome to apply for the MBA program offered in Hong Kong .
• University of Wolverhampton , UK
CMA Members are welcome to apply for the final year BA (Hons) Business Administration programme offered in Hong Kong .
• The University of Western Ontario
CMA members are welcome to apply for the EMBA degree program offered in Hong Kong.
• The City University of New York
CMA members are welcome to apply for the Executive MSc in Finance/Marketing degree program offered in Hong Kong.
• Deakin University, Australia
CMA members are welcome to apply for the MBA and Bachelor of Commerce degree programs offered in Hong Kong.
• Northern Territory University, Australia
CMA members are welcome to apply for the EMBA program offered in Hong Kong.
• University of The West, USA
GDMS Graduates of CDMA are welcome to apply for the Top-up Final Year BBA program.
• Robert-Gordon University , UK
Our Members are welcome to apply for the on-line Master degrees in Tourism Management and International Marketing Management programmes.
地址: 香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道472號南業大廈2樓206室(南洋商業銀行樓上,往赤柱專線小巴士站位置門口上)
Tel: (852) -23626600